Author Topic: Another Newby  (Read 1193 times)

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Another Newby
« on: February 24, 2008, 11:53:44 AM »
I've been reading the comments and advice from member to member,looks like everybody has lots of expertise.  I've got two projects that are on the way; a 67 bus and a 72 beetle.  The mechanical is almost done on the bus it just needs some body and paint work....probably a lot.  It's from california but given that I bought it with a moisture sucking primer coat on it needs attention PDQ before it starts to seriously rust out.  The 72 beetle was in the family for thirty years,drifted over to a friend and now finds it way back into the family with most of the bodywork done, solid mechanicals but unfortunatley, mostly in pieces.  Both are pretty typical scenarios for most V-dub owners I think...
So here's my question:  Does anyone know body and paint guys, available soon who can take at least one of these projects the rest of the way?  I prefer to leave body and paint to the experts because I was never happy with the patch jobs that friends and myself could accomplish.  I've been having trouble finding people who will take a bus or beetle seriously, clearly I've been looking in the wrong places!  
Anyway, thanks for any input, I figure I'm on the right track on this site.