Project Forums > Speed-e Delivery

Aug 23 2003


Forum Master:
We just spent the morning removing the aprons and spare tire are from the \"Air Biscut\". We then hooked it up to the winch and made a few pulls to bring the nose back into shape. All is looking good with the alignment of the hood and fenders.

The Speed E Delivery van will be back to the shop today so i can start going on all the body work and everything else it needs.  NEW PIC's Added

Here is a shot of the bus after some rust removal

Here is the lower drivers rocker, The previous owner had someone do bodywork on the bus (this guy is in Surry watch out!) The new rocker was glued and welded over the old one without removing the rust! Nice Job!

Here you can see i have pulled the rocker off to find how bad the rust is, You can see the frame is still perfect as is the outriggers and frame supports.

Here you can see the \"repair\" that was done on the rear 1/4 - fender. If you look closely you can see the spot welds where  the panel was attached.

This is what was under it!!!!! not much, looks like i'll be doing a little work here.

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