hey emilio, not sure if you're well on your way to working on the brakes but...
please use wheel blocks, jack stands and a floor jack as a backup jackstand, and give the car a good shake before you start to climb around/under there.
the 36mm nut on the back is going to be a bear to get of. you will probably want to loosen it with the car on the ground, in gear, with the e-brake on. a 1/2\" or 3/4\" drive 36mm socket & breaker bar as well as a long steel tube to slide over it will give you enough leverage to bust that bad boy free. or airspeed sells a funny little 36mm doo-dad that you hammer to get that nut off.
like 1976bus said, you dont need to bleed if you're just pulling drums.
to bleed by yourself, you need a pressure bleeder.
or grab a peice of hose and stick it in a bottle 1/4 full of brake fluid and grab the wife/girlfriend/kid/neighbour too pumppumppumphold while you crack the bleeders.
remember, bleed the wheel farthest away from the master cylinder and then work your way towards it. right rear, left rear, right front, left front, done.
i believe the front nut is 27mm.
dont forget your cotter pins when you're done.
cheers and good luck.