I have been looking for some useable headlights for some time and have bought a few sets to try. I have now decided to go with the Orig set of Guide 7" lights I found on ebay.
Making these fit is a little tough as most use the Dietz style (buggy Lights) on their Volks Rods. The Deitz lights are smaller than the orig 30's style lights and clear the body and suspension without much work. The Guide units took a little more work. My first setup had them back and sitting high but still had problems with the clearance to the Bell brake scoops and drum.
First set up.

I cut up a Model "A" light bar to make the headlight mounts. They turned out fairy well, it took a few hours to cut, weld and bend to the right shape. After all that they still didn't work right. Here they are clamped into place on the upper shock mount.

The next setup looks and fits better (also you can see a first attempt at a track bumper)

Here you can see the new mount that I came up with, This is going to work very well and looks clean.

Next it was onto the steering shaft and wheel.
I'm using a 1948 Chev wheel so I need to adapt the colum to work with the wheel and steering box. I used a late GM steering shaft, a colapsable one for safety :blush:
To support the upper shaft in the tube I used a beetle wheel bearing (with a little work) it now runs dead smooth. The lower shaft was welded to the orig beetle shaft.

Bearing shown on shaft, race instaled into colum.

Next it was onto the interior bench seat....yes I said bench seat.
I wanted a Old Hot Rod style bench for the front. With the roof chop it meant lowering the seat aprox 3" so you could still have some headroom. While sitting on the throne reading a Hot Rod Magazine I came across a article on building seats. With a quick clean up and magazine in hand I was off to used parts pile.
A pair of old lowbacks were used as the starting point. I stripped off all the springs and cut a rough base, as well the cut out for the e brake. Most of this will be covered once all the padding is in place.

A back bar was added.

The seat back was cut apart for the use of the springs, these will be used again.

The back rest was welded up with some bracing as well the two inner legs were removed.

The seat bottoms were cut away and elastic straps installed for some butt support. (thanks for the material Gary)

A little extra bracing at the bottom.

Next it was time to remove the body.

The pan was stripped within a hour and parts were off to Russ for powder coating.

The body was off and set onto a dolly, this makes it much better for moving around the shop.

Next it's time to paint the pan and start building it back up!