Author Topic: Engine Direction  (Read 1328 times)

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Offline 78supervert

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Engine Direction
« on: August 10, 2004, 09:48:16 AM »
Although the only cars i have ever owned have all been vw's. This is my first air cooled vw , i bought it for the girlfriend but im excited to fix it  up.we've drivin it seldom in the time we've had it but it always seemed to run very well,untill last weekend when  we drove to chilliwack for go kart race. it was hot, traffic was bad and i may have been pushing it a little in the openroad any way to make a long story short .i thought my girlfriend was farting ! the car reaked of rotten eggs ,stopped let cool,checked oil fine but hot ,continued home ,next day wuoldnt even turn over , battery fine,whacked starter w/wrench ,now starts one problem solved. but the rotten egg smell thing?checked plugs-a little black. but heres my real question my girlfriend wants a show car(of course)i was wondering if with all the problems of the engine lately (its kinda been runnin crappy for a week)to make it so when i pop the hood you need sunglases(girl) ,and for a more powerfull engine(me).is it going to be better for me to
         a)buy a complete engine already tricked out and have it installed    
         b)pull the one in the car wich i think(not sure) is a 1600  f/i  and hand it over to a shop to fix,clean,polish,buy parts put back in.
i would love to do it but my girlfriend wouldnt see her car for years,(no time)
im pretty sure the car could handle a bigger engine i had it going pretty good and the handling was awsome no shimmy at over120+
and any recomendations on mechanics would be great thanks
                                                                                             TREVOR j WILLIAMS see yall sat.

Offline Hansk

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Engine Direction
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 06:34:02 PM »
If it was mine I think I would keep all the f/i stuff intact and complete and store it away and put a complete other motor in. This way you can maintain the value of the car for a future sale and have your fun in the mean time.
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Offline jim martin

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Engine Direction
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2004, 12:11:23 AM »
decide on what you want the motor to do/milage,time you want from it/amount you want to spend on it.then you will have a plan and dollar figure to work with.

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Offline 78supervert

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Engine Direction
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2004, 02:48:10 AM »
thanks  guys, after much thought and for my girls sake like to keep the engine thats in, in .yesterday i spent 8 hours on it ,plugs,oil change,air filter,pulling an ac unit out and some more general maint.and cleaning i have to say that its damn tight in there.a little better after losing the a/c though.however i noticed alot of wires going noware and  that a lot of the wiring is pretty mickey mouse and that kinda thing drives me nuts.the only problem is i am electrically challenged .so i was hoping someone here could point me in the direction of a decent(not overpriced) electrical guy , also anyone want an big ugly black a/c box and some parts that went with it.
and lastly after my attempt at a tune up w/o doing compression test or valve adjustment(not quite confident enough yet especially after 7 or 8 beer)my girl drove the car home i rode shotgun. it was running way smoother and sounded alot better but  then my girlfriends feet were getting hot to fast from the floor vent and  yet there was no heat from the passenger side.  is there a good way to check your air flow from engine.

 thanks again                                                          DAMN I NEED A GARAGE .