AirSpeed VW Community Forums

General Forums => Air Speed Lounge => Topic started by: xcasper on May 07, 2005, 03:56:36 PM

Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 07, 2005, 03:56:36 PM
Hi. Bought a '74 ghia near Seattle. Got it home, and spent money finding out it needs 16,000 dollars worth of body work. Apparently the motor is A-1. Small mercies.    Best to drive it off a cliff? Advice?  Thanks, xcasper.  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 07, 2005, 04:23:29 PM
:angry: I hate hearing that kinda shit . I'm a save the car kinda person. How much did you get burned ]:(  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Russ on May 07, 2005, 04:41:05 PM
where abouts do you live mabey pm slammed bus on this forum see if he can help you out

Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 07, 2005, 04:44:43 PM
Hi Rusty Bus. Yes, I now have had the privilidge of paying $2000 US plus border expense. Including what I have put into it so far, PST parts, etc,  about $3000 Canadian.  A nice guy at BowWow told me my used motor which is apparently in good shape is worth $200 to $600.  So now I am wondering what to do you know.  It is at a garage (that I owe money to) in Vancouver.  Sigh. A lot of money for 3 gallons of bondo.  It they had a sucker smilie I would use it.  If I had a place to park it for a  long time, maybe I would do that, I don't know. Oh well, wish me luck. xcasper.  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: steveo_32 on May 07, 2005, 05:03:18 PM
Try to find a place to store it! If it has regi and all the parts are there all you need is a body.  A 74 ghia body is not too much $$ All you have to do is wait for the right one to pop up! A little wrenchin and a little beer to me and Rusty bus (He likes coffee)and your done!!
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 07, 2005, 05:32:16 PM
Try to find a place to store it! If it has regi and all the parts are there all you need is a body.  A 74 ghia body is not too much $$ All you have to do is wait for the right one to pop up! A little wrenchin and a little beer to me and Rusty bus (He likes coffee)and your done!!
Go with what steve-o said who was the ass who sold you this p.o.s. Where are you local . I would like to see it and give you my opinion . After 14 years in body shops  I can can give my honest price of what it should cost . Due to a lack of room I can't do it . I can tell if that shop was full of shit. I live in abby which  most likely won't help but  we can figure something out.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 07, 2005, 10:09:22 PM
Hey thanks guys.  Ok, here goes. I bought it from a guy in Poulsbo Wa.  Name of Richard Yerk.  Yes I have the documentation to register it. It has been exported from the states and imported into Canada.  First though, it has to pass the out of province inspection. (So I can register it here and buy it insurance.) I wanted it as a daily driver, something I could be proud of. Kind of a closet VW nut you see.  I bought it from ebay, and went down with my dad and drove it back. It looked ok to me, except for the door hinge was rusted off on the passenger side, and part of the panel that is under the battery in the back was gone.  The car stopped running when it was out on my sisters farm in mission, and so I had it towed to a shop in Vancouver that looked at it and gave me an extimate for the body and mech work of $5500. I agreed, but then last week, they called and said to come back. They had pulled the engine out and fixed the door hinge. Now, they say that the body work will be $16,000, which I can't afford.  The mechanic wants $1000 to put it back together and so that I can drive it.  I don't know yet what he wants if I pick it up in pieces, although he has promised to email me.  Oh, my dad says I can store it at his house. I asked him tonight.  (We are in Maple Ridge)  Oh, and I wanted to ask, can anyone tell me how much my 1600 cc motor weighs?  Can two men pick it up and put it in the back of my dads van?  Or would I need three or four?  Men I mean.  Thanks so much, I really appreciate any advice at all.  -xcasper-
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Mowser on May 07, 2005, 10:26:07 PM
a fully dressed 1600 would take 2 guys.  I'm not a big guy and I've moved one around myself.  It's an awkward thing mostly.  I'd say pick it up and bring it to someowe you knows and loves VW's.  There are alot of them on this forum.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 07, 2005, 11:08:03 PM
Thank you mowser.  And thanks to Rusty Bus and to the other posters too! -X-
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Bruce on May 08, 2005, 02:52:14 AM
They had pulled the engine out and fixed the door hinge. Now, they say that the body work will be $16,000, which I can't afford.  The mechanic wants $1000 to put it back together and so that I can drive it.
He wants $1000 to put the engine back in? It takes an hour max.  That's a pretty hefty hourly rate.  On the bright side, it means there's only 16 hrs of body work to put the whole car right.

I'd ask him to justify the $1000 to install an engine.  If the shop rate was $75 an hour, that would be 13 hrs.  What else is he going to do in the other 12 hrs?  

Oh ya, what is the name of this shop so we can all avoid them?
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: LIQUID on May 08, 2005, 04:39:45 AM
i can help you out with towing it out of the shop at a good price. let me know.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 08, 2005, 10:53:01 AM
sorry to hear about your run of bad luck.

imho, i would thank that shop for the work they've done so far, pay them what you owe them, and get your car out of there asap. it sounds kind of shifty, and it would suck to get burned again.

like bruce has said, $1000 bucks to install an engine seems pretty extreme. if the nice guy at bow-wow said your engine is in good shape, what kind of work is this new shop going to do to it to warrant a $1000 bill?

get it on a trailer and get it out of there. tow it to a place where you can store it and try to work out a beer/cash payment with someone here to come take a look at it to assess the damage.

btw, i'm in vancouver and would be interested in checking it out before/as it leaves the shop. i'd give you my honest $.02 about the ghia and what it needs.

where is this shop at?
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Bruce on May 08, 2005, 12:57:51 PM
I'll go with you, Silas.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 08, 2005, 01:48:31 PM
Hello all. Thank you so much for your contributions. I work in a group home, so I don't know what I am doing fooling around with an old vw, I just love them.  The shop the Ghia is at is Adria Imports, 794 East Broadway.  872-8512... It is in their back room.  It is a young guy named mark, and his dad, tony.  They seemed good, but they told us at first they would bring someone in to do the body, then it seems that his dad has been doing the work. The $1000 was for 3 hours the dad spent fixing the door hinge, stripping the cars interior, taking off the wheels and taking out the motor. From my phone conversation with Mark yesterday, the $1000 would include putting the car back together so it could be driven home. (Although I am not certain of that, he said he would email me, although I haven't heard)  Adria also got the motor running, it wasn't getting gas they said.  It is Adria that says the motor is good, I just talked to Bill at BowWow, and cried on his shoulder. He is the one that told me about you guys.  From what my Dad says, (Rudy) the old mechanic, (anton) said that no one would touch the job for less than $16,000 and it might cost more than that too. Our concern is why their estimate changed so much, and why after they took it all apart?  They said that it was hidden damage.  Adria seems to want the car gone asap, unless I agree to their terms.  They have my registration papers and a $2000 advance that I gave them for the work on my Credit Card.   Unfortunately, I am working tommorrow and tuesday in Whonnock near MapleRidge until 3, but maybe I could get there before they close if I left right after work. I know my dad, (Rudy) would want to go too. I don't know how it works, at garages, if they will let you guys in to look if we aren't there?  My wife is pretty upset about the whole thing, and I had given up on my ghia myself. I was just calling BowWow to find out what I could do with the good engine to try to minimize the loss.  (es)  Oh, and I did find out from someplace called the bug shop in surrey that they have a ghia chassis for sale without a drive train.  Yes, I think too that I should get it back to my dad's house in Maple Ridge, and decide what to do from there. I don't know if it is the cheapest way to go, or to pay them to put it back together.  The last time I hired Maple Ridge Towing, it was $175 to tow it into East Van from M.Ridge. Hey, thanks again, you guys are the bomb. I thought I was the only one with old VW pics on my office wall. - X-Steve-  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 09, 2005, 07:09:50 PM
here's my take on the situation.

you are entitled to a second opinion. politely explain to adria imports that you appreciate the time and effort that they've spent on your car, but that you were  unaware of the magnitude of the repairs that are needed. you need some time to think about your options and investigate solutions to your problems.

as per their agreement (hopefully), get them to put the car back together (interior in, engine in and running, wheels on, car driving, etc) pay them their $1000 and get your car out of there.

if they are an honest and reputable shop they will understand your predicament. you payed them in full for the work that they did and you were honest and courteous of their business. if they're choked that they dont get to charge you 16g's for a full resto, they're dicks. i know that sounds harsh, but 16g's is alot of money and everyone is entitled to ponder their decision before dropping a wad like that. and just because you're getting the car out of there doesnt mean you wont ever bring it back. you are just honouring their wishes by removing the car.

now, dont go and buy a ghia chassis, you may not need it. you may just need new pans. heck, you may just need one pan half or even just the battery tray. maybe the pans are fine but the beam is gone. it is true that you can find alot of nasty surprises once you start to dissasemble a car. but, you wont know how bad it really is until you get your second, or third opinion on the shape of the car.

with that said, i know exactly where adria imports is. i'm in school daily untill 3-ish and can be there by 4. if you would like to meet there, i'm in. bruce, you up for it? tomorrow (tuesday) or wednesday or anyday this week for that matter.

i do agree that it wouldnt be too kosher if i went there to check out the car without the owner (you) present. but i could make it happen in the most polite of ways. you make the call.

but again, imho, pay them what you owe them and politely say that you need some time to think about it. and get your car home safely to your dads.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 09, 2005, 07:31:35 PM
Hi, thanks for the post! I have made arrangements for \"liquid\" to pick up the car at 5 pm on Wednesday.  I am waiting for him to give me a call.  He has a tow truck. I am going to get there early (er) and finalize with the shop what I owe them. My dad and I are going to take the motor home in our van, and hopefully, with some more advice and research, we will be able to decide what to do.  (Before my wife divorces me!)   It would be great if you could look the ghia over too.  Thanks for the offer!  steve-xcasper  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 09, 2005, 07:46:57 PM
i'll meet you there on wednesday. what time where you thinking of showing up and what time do you want me there at?

bruce, are you in?
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 09, 2005, 10:51:00 PM
Hi Silas. My plan was to get there by three-thirty, and sort out the bill. I was also going to load the motor up, and then wait until liquid can get there shortly after  5 pm.  Then I was going to follow him to my dad's house. So whatever time is ok for you I guess  4-ish would be great! Thanx-steve.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 09, 2005, 11:26:02 PM
i will be there between 4 - 430 on wednesday.

i'll be the guy in the dark blue hoodie with the vintage canucks patch on the front.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Bruce on May 10, 2005, 01:52:37 AM
I can make it.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Needles on May 10, 2005, 08:01:52 AM
Bruce, Crusty Bus, Silas & Liquid....

You guys rock :rockon:  :rockon:  :wub:
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Cameron on May 10, 2005, 08:20:48 AM
i will be there between 4 - 430 on wednesday.

i'll be the guy in the dark blue hoodie with the vintage canucks patch on the front.
Hi Guys!  Can I come too?
Adria is on my way home. I can make it there a bit past 4pm.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 10, 2005, 05:05:03 PM
i will be there between 4 - 430 on wednesday.

i'll be the guy in the dark blue hoodie with the vintage canucks patch on the front.
Hi Guys!  Can I come too?
Adria is on my way home. I can make it there a bit past 4pm.
ultimately, the decision is xcaspers.

personally, i dont see a problem. the more the merrier and it would be cool to see you.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 10, 2005, 05:18:27 PM
Like Silas say, the more the merrier!  Hope someone is coming in their vw. -x-
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: steveo_32 on May 10, 2005, 07:19:46 PM
What color is this car??

Is it red
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 10, 2005, 09:51:56 PM
It is olympic blue, supposedly, but it looks like robin's egg blue. I want to paint it burnt orange eventually. -x-
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: slammedbus on May 10, 2005, 10:03:05 PM
you have pmail
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 11, 2005, 12:56:10 AM
What color is this car??

Is it red
Steve-o thats what I was thinking to . I remember that red one that showed up at your place awhile back when I was there.

xcasper , do to a lack of free time I can't make it on wendsday. But I will be in maple ridge on the 29th to see a man about a horse will you be around
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 11, 2005, 09:37:06 AM
I was digging though my stuff and found some ghia doors. there not mint but if you want them there yours free :mellow:  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: jason_hamilton on May 11, 2005, 10:33:40 AM
xcasper, what's happening to you is, unfortunately, the absolute worst case scenario. You were lied to by the seller, and it sounds like you're getting it again from the shop. It sounds like they simply don't want your business, but don't want to say so, so they've priced the work beyonf all reality. Of course you now know that some pre-purchase research would have saved you this anguish, but rest assured, your situation is not hopeless and you will be driving and enjoying that Ghia.
We've all been there, to one degree or another, and we're all here to help.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: steveo_32 on May 11, 2005, 01:55:52 PM
My Father and me drive the red ghia convertible in Maple Ridge, If  you need any help more give me a call!
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: steveo_32 on May 11, 2005, 02:03:44 PM
There does seem to be alot of help thou, If ya need me im there!! How's that.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Russ on May 11, 2005, 07:42:48 PM
any word how bad the ghia was? or good it is?
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: OUTKAST on May 11, 2005, 07:51:55 PM
Any updates boys way to go helping out hope things get back on track :(  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 11, 2005, 08:38:58 PM
bruce, cameron and i met steve and his father at adria and had a good look at the ghia.

i'm going to let steve fill you all in with the details, but i will say that there is alot of work that needs to be done.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: HeliMike on May 11, 2005, 09:51:41 PM
That stinks! :angry:

I've been keeping an eye on this post since it started, and having been-there-done-that and been burned, I'll help out with what little time I have.

You've got a good group of guys on your side' Steve(and wife) so don't sweat it you'll be taken care of. :rockon:

So is the bad news a major hit or major rust?

Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: steveo_32 on May 11, 2005, 10:05:28 PM
The Good side still is that it is a 74 ghia I know of one near 100 mile that is green in fair shape for about 100 to 200 bucks. Even if it is in horrible shape the engine, Tranny, vin, glass is all transferable.
When I first bought my 57 vert it looked good but 73 pounds of tar hides alot! (No word of a lie 73 lbs)
All I saw was \"57 Vert\" not two doors and four tires which is what i have been left unrusty!
One weekend with two cars side by side and new brake's were Laughin! Im all in for Ghia rebuild!!
Lets find this guy a decent body!
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Needles on May 11, 2005, 10:44:21 PM

Lets find this guy a decent body!
Not my 'GIMPY' body...
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 11, 2005, 11:27:58 PM
Ok, you guys all rock and roll.  Cheers to liquid, he really unplugged my pipes for me today!  Silas, Cameron, and Bruce, thanks for coming by Adria Imports.  I just got charged $800 plus tax for a repaired door hinge, taking the motor out and stripping the interior.  (Also he charged me for an out of province inspection.) Nice.  So what I think happened is just that he decided he didn't want the work unless he could really juice me.  You guys were dead right.  So it's just as well I got it out of there.  Like Chris Christoferson says, a beer for breakfast, and another one for dessert. Thats about how low I feel at the mo.  I don't know. Cameron seems to feel it is a lost cause. But liquid didn't think it was all that bad?  (*&)(&*^* and more some.  I mean, the floor panels need to be replaced, and all the \"quarter-panels\" -is that the parts that are near the tires at the bottom?  At the bottom anyway they are all rusted.  The door hinge is totally repaired now, The area around where the battery sits near the motor is rusted away.  I looked under the car, and the \"beam\"? the center bit that runs the length of the auto and comes into a \"Y\" shape at the back seemed solid to me.  There is some bad rust in the hood, and around where the hood fits.  I will put pics up as soon as I can.  Cameron seemed to think I could \"part it out\"?  but I don't know what parts would be worth.  I am into my dream car for $4000 Canadian now.  That's a lot of used VW parts.  Cameron also said there is no way any car gets through the provincial safety exam if there is even one little rust hole in it, so...  what to do... does that count ones that are full of putty? Ha! Ha! At least I have a good motor.  Anyway, this is a remarkable group of VW fans, I am definately one of you, even if I have the misfortune of driving a Suzuki Sidekick every day.  

Thanks again for all your support, I own a ghia (at least part of one), and my motor is stored. I own a piece of history, how could life be better? xcasper
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: steveo_32 on May 12, 2005, 12:41:36 AM
I gotta hood!
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 12, 2005, 02:32:45 AM
I gotta hood!
You are a hood :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :mellow:  :D  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: slammedbus on May 12, 2005, 07:40:31 AM
Dood, if you decide to haul it up here, after repairs, I can get it through the safety :ph34r: . Just trust me ok  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Cameron on May 12, 2005, 08:28:44 AM
Ok, you guys all rock and roll.  Cheers to liquid, he really unplugged my pipes for me today!  Silas, Cameron, and Bruce, thanks for coming by Adria Imports.  I just got charged $800 plus tax for a repaired door hinge, taking the motor out and stripping the interior.  (Also he charged me for an out of province inspection.) Nice.  So what I think happened is just that he decided he didn't want the work unless he could really juice me.  You guys were dead right.  So it's just as well I got it out of there.  Like Chris Christoferson says, a beer for breakfast, and another one for dessert. Thats about how low I feel at the mo.  I don't know. Cameron seems to feel it is a lost cause. But liquid didn't think it was all that bad?  (*&)(&*^* and more some.  I mean, the floor panels need to be replaced, and all the "quarter-panels" -is that the parts that are near the tires at the bottom?  At the bottom anyway they are all rusted.  The door hinge is totally repaired now, The area around where the battery sits near the motor is rusted away.  I looked under the car, and the "beam"? the center bit that runs the length of the auto and comes into a "Y" shape at the back seemed solid to me.  There is some bad rust in the hood, and around where the hood fits.  I will put pics up as soon as I can.  Cameron seemed to think I could "part it out"?  but I don't know what parts would be worth.  I am into my dream car for $4000 Canadian now.  That's a lot of used VW parts.  Cameron also said there is no way any car gets through the provincial safety exam if there is even one little rust hole in it, so...  what to do... does that count ones that are full of putty? Ha! Ha! At least I have a good motor.  Anyway, this is a remarkable group of VW fans, I am definately one of you, even if I have the misfortune of driving a Suzuki Sidekick every day.  

Thanks again for all your support, I own a ghia (at least part of one), and my motor is stored. I own a piece of history, how could life be better? xcasper
I think xcasper has Bruce and myself mixed up. I did indeed say some of these things, but can't take credit for all of it. Bruce was talking to xcasper for a while and said alot of this also.

This car was in rough shape. Lots of rust (perferations) along the bottom, front to rear. And in the channel for the rubber seals, for front and rear hoods. The cost of fixing the rust would be more than buying a car in better condition. In my opinion, and I think in Bruce's and Silas also, this car should be parted out. Lots of usable parts, many for 74 only ghia.

Bruce! Silas! Any comments?

One regret, I happened to have my digital camera with me, but forgot to take pictures. Aww crap!
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on May 12, 2005, 08:40:50 AM
It great that all you guys got together for a complete stranger to try and help him out.

Three cheers for everyone involved! :rockon:  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Bruce on May 12, 2005, 02:21:52 PM
I'd like to see a copy of the eBay auction on this car to see how badly it was misrepresented.  Also to know who would sell that car as a fixer upper instead of a parts car.  If it was listed as a restorable car, IMO it was fraud.  This car is that bad.

I needed less than 10 seconds to know this car is not restorable by any human on the planet.  It needs every patch panel in existance for a Karmann Ghia, plus many others that don't exist.  Both lids have rust right through them, and so do the doors.  Of course both pan halves are gone.

On the bright side, it came with it's original 1600DP engine, the original AN coded Karmann Ghia spec SSC transmission, and a disc brake front end.  Cameron said the beam was in good shape.

The only way to salvage this situation is to part it out.  There are many KG only parts that you can't buy as repro, so good used are the only alternative.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: HeliMike on May 12, 2005, 03:50:39 PM

The only way to salvage this situation is to part it out.
I say we lynch the bastard that sold it to him.  [_[  Just kidding.

So X, are you going to pursue going after him legally?
If you are I know a REALLY REALLY good lawyer. B)

If not we could take all of the valuable parts off the car, cut it into large chunks of scrap and go drop it off on his front yard in the middle of the night.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: steveo_32 on May 12, 2005, 05:30:54 PM
Okay \"PLAN B\" I need the ashtray and Front windshield! And Front vent's if they are in good shape!
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 12, 2005, 07:23:43 PM
Dood, if you decide to haul it up here, after repairs, I can get it through the safety :ph34r: . Just trust me ok
thats the thing. to even get it to the point of passing an inspection it is going to take ALOT of work. too much.

In my opinion, and I think in Bruce's and Silas also, this car should be parted out. Lots of usable parts, many for 74 only ghia.

Bruce! Silas! Any comments?

absolutely. try and get as much of the $4000 back by parting it and selling it. recoup a majority of your loss, and look for a car that is in better shape. now that steve (xcasper) knows of the airspeed forum, it shouldnt be too hard to find a nice, dry, straight early 70's karmann ghia. spend $4 - $6 grand on that rather than $16g's + on this one.

On the bright side, it came with it's original 1600DP engine, the original AN coded Karmann Ghia spec SSC transmission, and a disc brake front end. Cameron said the beam was in good shape.

and shock mounted front bumper, og hella front turn signals, 90% of the trim and badges are mint, all glass, rear popouts, tires and wheels, horn, new repro gas tank, charcoal cannister, windsheild washer reservoir, seats, mats, pedal cluster, steering wheel, gear shifter, dash knobs, speedo, etc....

the funniest part was when bruce was checking the #'s on the engine and the mechanic comes up to him and says \"yah, thats a newer motor cause it's got an alternator.\" and bruce, without even raising the arm for the pimp slap, says \"no, it's a numbers matching , original to the car motor.\" the mechanic just had this bewildered look on his face and shuffled away.

it would be interesting to see the ebay add tho.

steveo_32 Okay \"PLAN B\" I need the ashtray and Front windshield! And Front vent's if they are in good shape!

there you go steve (xcasper). you're allready on your way to making your money back.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Scratchy on May 12, 2005, 09:49:40 PM
This car was in rough shape. Lots of rust (perferations) along the bottom, front to rear. And in the channel for the rubber seals, for front and rear hoods. The cost of fixing the rust would be more than buying a car in better condition. In my opinion, and I think in Bruce's and Silas also, this car should be parted out. Lots of usable parts, many for 74 only ghia.

So what are you saying Cameron.... I should part out my '58 Ghia vert too?

]]]My Rusty Ghia ([[[

I'm into it for $6000 of rust repair, and that's in 1982 dollars!
Maybe I can sell the pieces and break even  :blink:

BTW Steve, I'm in Maple Ridge too, so if you want to see what a naked rusty partially repaired Ghia vert body looks like, piled full of junk with 2 boat hulls sitting on top, just PM me  :ph34r:

I'm thinking I should try and finish it for it's 50 year anniversary! (or part it out - NOT)
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Russ on May 12, 2005, 10:01:09 PM
i would have a hard time parting it out myself,it's a hard pill to swallow
i'm into a car for 4g's and i would get bugger all by parting it out by the sounds of it.mabey find a decent ghia for an affordable price he can swao the engine trans and beam???
tough call i feel for him
best od luck

Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Bruce on May 13, 2005, 01:28:57 AM
\"the mechanic just had this bewildered look on his face and shuffled away\"
HeHe, I never saw that.

Steveo, the car has a good ashtray and vents.  There are no cracks or bullseyes in the windshield.  Steve (xcasper) would probably like to hear from you requesting these parts.  I don't think he believed me when I told him that most KG only parts are not available repro and that people will buy a lot of the parts on that car.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Needles on May 13, 2005, 06:15:18 AM
It great that all you guys got together for a complete stranger to try and help him out.

Three cheers for everyone involved! :rockon:
Here, here....

I wish I was a 'stranger'.... :mellow:

rather than 'strange'

Seriously way to go people, keep that KARMA rolling!!

;)  :wub:  :wub:
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 13, 2005, 09:38:39 AM
Has any body from the autobody trade looked at the ghai yet. I can't get out there until the 29th. Me personaly I'm a save the car kind of person. They are getting too
 rare to cut up any thing can be fix if you want it to be, with out paying an arm and a leg. You have to do alot on your own to keep your cost down. I'm not talking pop rivits and aluminum tape. After I left the auto painting biz and went to aircraft I lost access to a welder. Then a friend needed some work done on his 411 .We spent 3 days cutting pieces and fabricating panels Then we rented a welder for the day I think it was around 45 bucks including argon. That is just one way to keep cost down .  I have seen people hack up bugs  because of a bad heater channel to me that is awaste of a car. Rust don't scare me , the people who have seen my bus can back me up on that.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Bruce on May 13, 2005, 12:23:23 PM
Has any body from the autobody trade looked at the ghai yet.
If the car had half the rust, it still would not be fixable.  IMO the $16,000 estimate Steve was given was lowballing it.
Three coroners have pronounced this car dead.  The last thing Steve needs is another doctor trying to reconnect the life supports.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 14, 2005, 01:15:36 AM
I didn't say I wanted to try to bring it back for the dead but some people's idea of a rotten car is pretty laim. I just wanted to make sure that there was some who saw it that knew what they were talking about . For most people it's easier to say that is to much and just walk away  saying we did all we could do.

Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: slammedbus on May 14, 2005, 07:45:58 AM
I have to agree with Rustybus. I have pm'd casper for some pics of the ghia. I am sure this car is past ever being a trailer queen, but perhaps we can make a nice cruiser out of what is left. It may not be the perfect ghia but with some tin, hammers, and filler, perhaps something can be done.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 14, 2005, 08:26:03 AM
Hi all. Well, I have requests for parts already, and of course my wife is for cutting my losses and it looks like I will be driving her Tracker until it's oversized wheels fall off = which I hope is soon. At the moment. Like I told steveo32,  I am waiting until I get some information from RustyBus on the 29, and I will be emailing pics as soon as I get a chance to go take some. I have had a busy week, and there has been lots of family discussions.  I will probably part out the car, as my wife and mother in law have now weighed into the discussion, again and again.  (my family is German) on the side of the car not being big enough for me to sit in, good enough for me to drive, throwing good money after bad, for that money we could have put a down payment on a Golf,  it doesn't suit our lifestyle, it only has seating for two, what if we have another baby etc etc. Looks like my midlife crisis has just about run it's course.  My father and I met gutterslug at ed the bug shop mechanics place and Mike also sided with the cut and run club, advising us to look for a car that someone had already done the work on. What a cool type 3 he has man.  I love the air louvers in the back side.  A piece of history.  So I guess I am pinning my what little hope I have left on RustyBus and Slammed bus!  Hey, thanks for all the good wishes and support/help. Part of me would still love to have my beloved ghia, but I am swimming upstream I think.  Cheers to all. Steve  xcasper.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Tyrel on May 14, 2005, 10:30:03 AM
i know where there is a really really nice ghia is for 2k without engine of 4k with 140hp engine. i'll see if i can get some pics up, its owned by a 60 year old german vw engineer.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 14, 2005, 10:35:19 AM
A few things you must remember happy wife= happy life. But it is easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

With that said if it is to far gone cut it up, but don't do it cause someone else wants you to .
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: jason_hamilton on May 14, 2005, 04:24:23 PM
If it comes down to it, I have a completety stripped 1970 Coupe body on a rolling chassis that you may be interested in.
It was a rusty car, but it comes with all the repair panels if you can do the welding. Suspension is all there, along with the transaxle, and a clear BC title. It will need complete wiring, interior, galss, some exterior trim, and of course paint. I've stripped off all the exterior paint and bondo and just shot a coat of primer for storage.
I'm willing to work out payments, trade, labour exchange, etc...
Car is in Langley, and I can get pics if you want.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: silas on May 14, 2005, 07:24:45 PM
I didn't say I wanted to try to bring it back for the dead but some people's idea of a rotten car is pretty laim. I just wanted to make sure that there was some who saw it that knew what they were talking about . For most people it's easier to say that is to much and just walk away  saying we did all we could do.


yup, we know what we're talking about.

here's the scoop. xcasper wanted a clean daily driver, probably didnt want to spend more than 3-5 grand on one, and is into this one for 4 allready. now there are some people who have seen the car and understand the predicament that have given xcasper some valid advice.

and then there are others that havent seen the car, that dont seem to realize that xcasper doesnt have a bag of money hiding in his closet, and are wearing rose coloured glasses when they look at vintage vw's. if these folks want to buy this car for 4 grand and save it, then pony up.

here's a \"for instance\". i have a rusty 56 that needs alot of work, that will take alot of time to fix, and will probably cost me between 15-20 grand by the time it's done. i know what i'm getting myself into.

xcasper wants a ghia that he can drive right now, on a daily basis, and i imagine that he wants it for between 3-5 grand. unfortunately, this one is up to 4 allready. he doesnt want to spend another 4 on it to make it an 8 grand daily driver.

no dis-respect to anyone. just my honest opinion. ;)  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Bruce on May 14, 2005, 08:28:44 PM
.... but some people's idea of a rotten car is pretty laim. I just wanted to make sure that there was some who saw it that knew what they were talking about .
There were 4 of us there that needed very little deliberation to come to a unanimous decision.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: rustybus on May 14, 2005, 10:11:42 PM
Silas and Bruce ,I do tend to look at things with rose coloured glasses. I would be the first to admit that. The problem I have is cause I was in the trade so long every thing is easy to fix in my eyes. I never tally up man hours in my brain . I like doing the body work on aircooled vw so I look at my time as free forgetting people have to pay others to do it. I just feel bad for the dude that sooo much money to just throw away. I just wish there was some way to help him. I would still like to look at the car but I will leave my rose coloured glasses at home.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Russ on May 14, 2005, 11:43:40 PM
I didn't say I wanted to try to bring it back for the dead but some people's idea of a rotten car is pretty laim. I just wanted to make sure that there was some who saw it that knew what they were talking about . For most people it's easier to say that is to much and just walk away
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: Hansk on May 15, 2005, 07:47:36 AM
Just a guess , but I'd say between $1000 to $2000 and will involve a lot of work and mess.  Maybe he should bring it out to the swap this weekend and see if he can sell it as a whole.  It may not be practical for him to fix this car but maybe we could help him get as much as possible back out of it.
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: ghiafreak on May 15, 2005, 10:46:19 AM
Wow! I have been reading this over the last few days and am amazed by the support that you all have given xcasper. You are an incredible group of people. I wish that I had found people like you when I was looking for my ghia. Sadly, I found this community while preparing to sell mine.   :unsure: maybe one day when the kidlets are grown I can find one again...

Best of luck xcasper in your search!  
Title: Ghia Help Plse
Post by: xcasper on May 15, 2005, 12:20:35 PM
Hello to all my new friends, Bruce, Silas, Mike and RustyBus. I talked to my wife about all these problems. I guess what I would like to do is to find a Beetle to use my motor and other transferable parts in. And I will sell off the Karmann Parts as you guys think it is applicable. I still would like to show it to RustyBus, and ask him what I should do with the \"incredible hulk\" is it for the crusher?  My reasoning is, that I want to drive an aircooled auto, and I need a (very reliable) daily driver. And I think since Karmans are getting pretty rare, that I would probably have more of a chance of finding one. What do you guys think?

Also, my wife has impressed upon me that I can wait for my beloved Karmann till I retire. (And our daughter is grown up.)  Thanks, guys for all the help you have given. I will need more advice in finding the right car, and maybe you can all help me out still.  Let me know what you think, as to what year I should look for, the rust issue on used beetles, where to look, preferably one that looks nice, and is in good shape except maybe for the motor.  I want one that has a BC title, I don't care about the color, but I definately don't want anything but maybe some little surface rust, or if it has had rust -that it has been repaired properly.  I don't want to make any mistakes that way again. Cheers, Steve-xcasper!