as some of you know I own super clean media blasting. We do abrasive and non abrasive media blasting, wet or dry (soda, walnut, 5 different grits of glass, black and red garnet, aluminum oxide) Made the deal today, I am buying a vapor hone/blast set up to offer even more services. this is not to be confused with the wet blast sandblasting units they sell on sunday morning tv.
vapor hone is a water/glass bead mix of blasting that's contained in a blast cabinet, finish is much like a OE finish. very smooth and clean with a dull gloss polished finish. its mainly used for non-ferrous metals Aluminium & Aluminium Alloys , Copper Brass , Lead, Zinc, Stainless Steel, magnesium, titanium ect. but can be used on steel and cast iron.
vapor honing will not remove metal. its widely used in the aerospace and motorcycle restoration. this is the "next level" in restoration blasting. nothing comes close to these results without painting
It will be operational the first week of September if all goes well and will post some before and after pictures. first project is a greasy old block that Marty has supplied me.
prices will be lower than the coast guys and just mention airspeed and ill give you a 10% discount. shipping no problem.
pictures are not mine just an example of work.