It's now been 3 months since I finished the Heb, since then I have driven it almost every day includung my daily commute to work. By far this is the most fun car I have ever had! Old and young alike just seem to love it, thumbs up and big smiles seem to go with every passing car.
I took it to the Goodguys Rod & Custom show in Puyallup back in July, It went over very well with Hot Rod guys and even got a Award.

I have done a few little detail things since the Classic but for the most part it's needed no service work. It's proven to be a very reliable and nice driving car. While at the Classic Jim,Bruce, Tom and myself hit many of the car custom and hot rod shops in the local area. We got a great responce from all the guys at the shops and made some great new friends.
The car was shot for a few magazines while in LA and then again during our own Great Canadian VW Show here in Aug.
Some of the magazines are now hitting the stands and i'll post some of them below.
Hot VW's Classic Coverage is out now with a few small pics, as well Darren Dilley beautiful 54 Sunroof is shown in some pic's. Keep a eye out in the Nov issue of Hot VW's for a feature on his amazing car!
Rolls & Pleats a traditional Hot Rod magazine featured it in their issue #23 that is on news stands (hot rod and specialty shops) as of Sept 06.

If you want a copy they can be ordered online's Play VW, Japan shot the car a few months back and is now out as well. Our good friend and DVKK member Hanawa Tatsuo sent these pic's just a few days ago.

I'm totaly blown away by the great responce the car has had, as well all the cool new people we have met.
A few pic's just turned up in this months VolksWorld as well, these were sent to me by Richard Legg.

I'll add other pic's as they turn up.
Thanks for taking the time to look thru the build up of the Heb Rod, Now onto the next project

Super VW just came out!

Pull out poster!!!!

You can now down load high res pic's of the pull out poster for you desk top or screen saver.
link below.
The new Ultra is out!!!!!!

Ultra link below VW's 40thanniversary Feb 07