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Classifieds / WANTED 68-70 bus rear fender well metal
« Last post by rolls and pleats on February 09, 2025, 01:47:01 PM »
I'm looking for a pair of rear fender metal for a project to repair this kind of treatment in the rear.

 Must be from a 68-70 bus.

PM me your contact info and will call/message you.

Classifieds / WTB- Dash for 73 super
« Last post by super90kyote on February 06, 2025, 11:35:19 AM »
Looking to buy a dash for a my 73 super beetle.
Must be mint, mine is cracked.
Let me know
Classifieds / For Sale- Wide 5 rear brake assemblies for T1 trans swap
« Last post by Lanny on February 04, 2025, 06:54:19 AM »
One pair of machined wide 5 drums and backing plates to allow the conversion from reduction boxes to T1 trans.
Classifieds / not VW but interesting cars for sale
« Last post by hank on February 01, 2025, 11:47:33 AM »
Time to lighten the herd
1929 Model A roadster rough
1948 English Ford Thames e84w panel
1958 Plymouth 2 door a Black Christine
1971 Citroen ID 21
some Vplvos 1964 to 1997

open to offers  located in Bella Coola 
message here
Classifieds / WTB-Right side Swing Axle Tube-Long shaft
« Last post by Dan on February 01, 2025, 10:05:28 AM »
Looking for a Right side long shaft swing axle tube
1968ish vintage
Air Speed Lounge / Looking for my wide 5 wheel balancing adapter
« Last post by Lanny on January 28, 2025, 04:51:48 PM »
Someone borrowed my wide 5 wheel balancer last year from my pals at Pacific Alignment in Vancouver. It was never returned. Any leads appreciated.
Classifieds / WTB 60-67 Beetle radio block off with trim
« Last post by Lanny on January 27, 2025, 05:41:20 AM »
Need one ASAP
Classifieds / WTB Split bus nose emblem
« Last post by Lanny on January 22, 2025, 06:19:21 AM »
Looking for an original nose emblem for pre 68 T2
Classifieds / Original Split bus bumpers
« Last post by rolls and pleats on January 21, 2025, 04:22:55 PM »
I have an original split bus pointed front bumper, complete with over riders. Perfect for a driver. Has house paint over original paint and could be stripped back. $150

Split bus rear bumper, blade and splash pans (no overriders). Fairly rough but a good core for somebody handy. $60

Located in White Rock, PM your phone number and I can text photos

Classifieds / FOR SALE-T1 4 bolt wheels/tires/caps
« Last post by Lanny on January 09, 2025, 07:31:30 AM »
Due to a design detour, I have a full brake/wheel tire combo available from my personal 66.
All parts are restored or new. The wheels/tires are perfect for a late Beetle, Ghia or Type 3.

Three 15x 4.5" and two 4" 4 X 130 T1 wheels, powder coated black with white outer rim, correct for 68-69 Beetles.

Four brand new German  Wolfsburg West late hub caps, never mounted.

Two Michelin XZX 165 x 15's, slightly used, excellent condition.
One Nankang 145 x 15, used, good condition.
2 are mounted and balanced.

Text me at 604-202-7810 to discuss prices.

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