AirSpeed VW Community Forums

Air Speed News, Events & Gatherings => Events & Gatherings => Topic started by: HeliMike on August 30, 2005, 03:49:45 PM

Title: Drive In
Post by: HeliMike on August 30, 2005, 03:49:45 PM
Hey gang.
In response to Hulk's Mistress' post regarding the long-awaited opening of the Twilight Drive In, I would like to put a feeler out there for all those interested in going out and showing some support and seein' a few flicks at the same time.  I am thinking of heading out there either next Friday or Saturday (Sept9/10) and was wondering if anyone else (and there VW's) would be interested in meeting up and heading down together as a group.
I would have liked to go this weekend but I'll be in Vernon blaying beer-pitch... er I mean slo-beer .....bah,  whatever you know what I mean.

Now I know the big Langley show is the same weekend so I'm thinking Saturday would be a freakin gong-show so maybe friday would be ideal?
