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Classifieds / passenger front bullet fender
« Last post by steveo_32 on September 13, 2023, 11:49:26 AM »
Anyone have a passenger front bullet fender kicking around?
Also looking for the following for 57

Front seats, deluxe
Rear seat base
horn button, crusty will do deluxe beetle found!! Thanks bryant
fuel tank
let me know what you have
Classifieds / WANTED - head studs
« Last post by silas on September 10, 2023, 02:42:03 PM »
i need 4 stock vw 10mm head studs, approx 188mm (7.4") in length.

these are for the 4 short upper middle studs on a 1600 dual port.

wanted asap!!

lmk what you have!
Air Speed Lounge / Re: Lower OR raise beetle
« Last post by 52 split on September 06, 2023, 08:54:39 PM »
for sure , always use heat. give the bolt head a good smack, then heat.go slow.
Air Speed Lounge / Re: Lower OR raise beetle
« Last post by syncrobuggy on September 04, 2023, 11:25:57 PM »
Really all depends on if everything comes apart nicely or if bolts are seized or break.   If one of the bolts breaks on the spring plate cover you can probably add a couple hours.   
Air Speed Lounge / Re: Lower OR raise beetle
« Last post by 52 split on September 04, 2023, 11:50:21 AM »
i guess your trying to see if a shop quote is close.right. 2hrs min, if inner and outer splines are needed for correct height. for you at home hours,half a day?? if no hoist
Wheel & Tire Forum / Will this work
« Last post by wagonwx on September 04, 2023, 07:25:38 AM »
does anyone know if you could fit a 16x7 wheel under the rear stock fender of a 74 super without problems (depending on offset of course)? the car' s back end has not been lowered.... yet!  What size tire would anyone recommend with this wheel?
Air Speed Lounge / Lower OR raise beetle
« Last post by wagonwx on September 04, 2023, 07:12:51 AM »
How long should it take to lower or raise the rear of a 1960 beetle if you know what you are doing and have done it before ?

My beetle is to low to drive and I need to raise it a notch.  Thanks
Classifieds / Re: wanted hi/lo switch
« Last post by 52 split on September 01, 2023, 12:25:18 PM »
Classifieds / WANTED Deep Dish Wide 5 Ansen Sprints
« Last post by rolls and pleats on August 31, 2023, 08:37:34 AM »
I'm after a set of Wide 5 Ansen Sprint wheels (slotted mags). Must be 8" or wider and Wide 5 VW pattern. Please see pictures for reference.

Maybe a long shot locally but I sold a set years back at the GCVWS swap and maybe they're still around? I believe it was one of the folks from Bunys and Bugs in Chilliwack. Please pass this on to them if you have their contact. Their phone number doesn't work and I've tried Facebook with no reply.

Air Speed Lounge / Storage
« Last post by buddy boy on August 30, 2023, 05:20:25 PM »
It’s that time of year again to think about your vintage cars storage! I have one spot in my insulated double garage ready for your vehicle, and there’s room for your extra parts if need be, For rent from October 1st to April 30 , (for my vw Community/airspeed members and friends, few days early or late for drop off/picking up is ok) Flat rate of $750$, this ad goes up on craigslist for $1000 Next week.

Located in South East Van, It’s a closed in garage that’s attached to the house so it stays warm and dry, and is completely sealed and free from the elements and rodents! I also have a small dehumidifier to catch any moisture, no one will have access to it except for me, my beetle will also be in storage at that time occupying the other side, perimeter is under video surveillance and bay doors will be locked and not opened again until April !,  preference will be given to who will not be in and out with their vehicle over storage, no one will be anywhere near the car while it’s in storage and I am in there about once a week to check on things, The side entrance door is located on the opposite side of your car eliminating any foot traffic near or around your vehicle, vehicle needs to have storage insurance, car cover, and the battery disconnected, thanks !
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