Technical > Transmission Forum

Transmission leaking from the intermediate gasket.

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Pulled the trans out of the bug due to excessive leaking from the intermediate gasket. Is this something fairly straight forward to replace? I've found info on how to change out the nose cone gasket but can't find info on how to get the intermediate off the trans case. Anyone out there have a link to this kind of repair? Thanks in advance.

Transmission is a Single Side Cover IRS.

red snapper:
Im no proffesional but make sure your axle boots are not torn.

I don't have a link but its in your bentley .....  what do you mean you don't have  one? lol
ok Jeremy , so I'm guessing you do not have a pinion bearing retainer nut tool ?
 basicly the diff has to come out , pinion nut off , input shaft off and the intermediate assembly press up and out from there.

Thanks Hans. Sounds like a job for someone other than me.

 Who's the local trans guru?



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