Technical > Brakes Forum
Brake ?
i adjusted the brakes on my oval about a month ago,the pedal all of a sudden seemed to drop almosat to the floor but would still stop.
so adjusted the brakes everything was great,it has only been about a month and the pedal all of a sudden has dropped again??
when i pump the brake it makes no difference(does not get hard)
i'll adjust it again this weekend,but does this sound like a bad master cyclinder? wheel cylinder?
thanks for any help
may sound silly...but you got lots of fluid???
i was thinking that after i posted this, i will check,if i'm down on fluid it has to be leaking somewhere?
James Buchan:
I had a similar rpoblem with my s. beetle turned out the hard line that goes near the pedal assembly to the back of the car had sprung a leak (rusted out). Listen for a squishing noise when you depress the pedal.
will do,
thanks for the replies i'll check it out this weekend
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