Ok, This thread is long over due! (and will be vastly compressed )
I keep getting asked what i've been working on lately so I thought I better post a little update since this week was the first time in 1.5 years since this Ghia drove under it's own power.
As I mentioned this project started oround 1.5 years ago, (6 months at a body shop getting paint).
When it came to me it was a stock 1963 Ghia vert that looked in so so shape but with noticable rust and previous repairs.
Unfortunatly a local Vancouver body shop had "restored" this vehicle 15 or so years ago.

Although it looked ok I asked the owner to spend a few extra bucks to have it blasted so we could see what we were working with.
There was small cracks in the paint bleeding out rust stains, I started to pick away at the crack...

A quick tear down and we were off to Specialty Blasting in port Kells.

I had Bruce and a few employees help lift the body off at the blaster..... it sure felt heavy?!?!
What was revealed was nothing short of amazing!

More to come
But this is the end result..