Technical > Restoration, Preservation & Body work Forum
Door Hinge On 58
hey everyone!
i'm getting sick of the play i have in my doors and i'm going to embark on getting them fixed. anyone have steps on how i can go about this feat? tips, pifalls that i should be aware of?
is there anyway of telling that size pin i need with the door still on the car? i noticed there is a regular pin and also a oversized pin availible.
If the hinge is sloppy you'll need the over-size pin kit. These usually come with a drill bit specifically for the new pin. The grief is usually in removing the old pin; if you're lucky, a hammer and punch will do it...if you have access to air tools, a bit can be made for an air chisel like a punch. Support the door partially open with a floor jack, and if the car's paint is not an issue you can use some heat. Go slow, and don't smash the pin too hard as the door can be bent if hit hard enough. Good luck.
Hi Mike,
I have done a few hinge pins before and have found that most need the oversize pin.
Best tool is a air hammer to push the pin up from below,The oversize pin kits come with the drill. If you buy just the pin i will have to check the drill size.
If you need any of these parts you can contact us at the shop 604-881-2233
Sometimes these can be a real pain, just take your time and it should come out clean.
so this can be done with the door still on the car eh? hrmm.. would it be any easier if i was to take it off the car?
thanks mr.spicey i do have access to air tools but not a air chisel.. :(
geoff... i'll be calling you real soon about the pins
now is it best to push the pins up, or down?
Forum Master:
They need to be pushed up to remove them. ;) :rockon:
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