is proud to offer a rewards package for those who support this forum.
All those who donate $25.00 will become ASF **Allstar** and will benefit from many local and VW related business discounts. I'm working on special pricing that will only be available to those in the ASF **Allstars**

The \"yearly\" subscription is a FULL YEAR from the date you donate... Not just the fiscal year. So those who donate will be able to start saving right away.
The first to jump on board is, They are working on a special web discount code as well as specials on new products for the ASF **Allstars** CIP has also just lowered their Canadian retail prices to be in line with the current us dollar. With the new ASF**Allstars** code this means good savings for you! save 5%
AVR Import Specialties 20% off all Empi Parts. Free catalogues and price lists are available by stopping in.
Dales Alignment, Allstar members save 10% on all aligments!!!
As well Airkewld just signed up to be a vendor, Save 5%.
Just added new sponsors!
Powdercoating from Francis Andrew site furnishing, see Russ for special pricing.
Specialty Plating co. Custom chrome, nickel & gold plating 10% off!
1443 Dominion st N Van.
Contact me for special codes.
Many more vendors will come on board as we work the details out, If you know or have a business who may be interested please feel free to contact me
If you wish to join the ASF**All-Stars** you can contact me at the above email or send your paypal donation to (please include your full name as well as your screen name)

Geoff Peterson