the Stock Motor Challenge will be running in full effect in 2012!! the Zündfolge Car Club will be working hard to organize and promote this event and we will keep everyone updated on the SMC 2012 sponsors, prizes and awards as time progresses!!
what are the rules for the SMC ?...i forget. sure your car fits so come & join the fun jag. plus i'm pretty sure shanes new car doesnt qualify, so the DVKK is going to need someone else to step up and defend their title!

The ET record determine's who's top dog.
pre 2008 = yes. 2008 to present = no.
in 2008 the SMC developed a points system where highest score prevails. kmh - et - rt = final score. all numbers are taken from the same run. this system was put in place to make it interesting, exciting and most of all FUN!!
full details can be found in the link above.
this year i will keep silas honest .
i've been officially disqualified 4 straight years gotta crack that whip harder...meow!

I'm in and hope to set a new SMC speed record in 2012.
The ET record determine's who's top dog.
Ok I will attempt to take that one too.
f'n eh, rob!! and we'll be routing for you the whole way.
hey bruce, isnt it nice to see some people back it up year after year!