Project Forums > Project Klaatu

Here Comes The Shiny Bits

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Well its time for another update.As everyone knows things always take twice as long as you expect.
The intercooler took a lot longer than I thought to arrive so it kind of delayed things a bit. The box you see in the pictures will eventually have ice water running through it from a 4 gallon storage tank under the back seat and through a 72 pass cooler with a fan under the pass side rear of the car.The cooler drops inlet over 110 deg. which means big  HP gains and no problems with detonation. The throttle body is a 70mm unit which should give more than enough inlet air and good driveability.The unit you see in the center of the engine compartment is the blow-off valve which releases pressure in the intake when u get out of the throttle.The turbo is still making boost and it has no were to go the blow-off bleeds that pressure off. The next plan is to build the intake in the engine comp. and mount the water tank and plumb it.I will try to update quicker but building everything from scratch is time consuming. TJ

Darren Dilley:
sweet.. bro, look'n good ;)  

I wish I had those mad fabrication skills and the will, and the check book.
Can't wait to see how much crazy power this thing makes....


nice work jim. keep it up bro.

shit i just creamed my pants


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